

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Jun 29 2013 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Des Moines, IA

WHO and New Belgium


We certainly "Followed Our Folly on the FIRST EVER Cruiser 100 ride!

157 CRAZY Cyclists pre-registered and more showed up the morning of, and throughout the day.

39 Cruisers started (18 on New Belgium Cruisers), 4 on Single-speed / Fixed gear, 7 on Road Bikes and the rest on Hybrids, touring bikes and Other bikes (Highh bikes, recumbents, etc.)

There were just as many "1st time Century Riders" as there were cruisers.

How many finished? 

Guesstimates come in at 75+.  The Ride left Mullets at 8:20am and folks arrived at el Bait Shop anywhere from 8pm to midnight.


  • to EVERYONE who showed up on this CRAZY adventure!!!

  • to our Sponsors - New Belgium Brewing and Iowa Beverage Systems.
    They made this ride PRO with the beer samplings, posters, artwork, and logistics.
    Special thanks to Ashley, Mike B., Mike W. and Iowa's New Belgium Ranger "Cheeze"!

  • to our Beer Sampling and Rest Stops - Thanks for your hospitality!
    • Mullets - Trippel (beermosas)
    • NiteHawk Lounge - Hoppy Bock
    • Flat Tire Lounge - Shift
    • Whistling Donkey - Sunshine Wheat
    • Wheel House Pizzeria & Pub - Fat Tire Cans
    • Orlondos - Fat Tire Draws
    • Cumming Tap - Ranger
    • el Bait Shop - Rampant

  • our Photo and Video guys - Doug "Shark" Balvanz with his movie trailers leading up to the ride, and his post-ride vid of the day's party.  Steve Fry - the photo dude who was in the right place at the right time (photos coming soon!), and RL Bennett, who rode the ride and caught some great shots HERE.

  • our Support Crew - Julie Hugo Sumpter and Amanda Donahue who drive the Support (Big Black) Van and took photos!

Will this be an annual ride?

Depends... We thought this ride up in lieu of the Urban Assault Ride that did not happen this year. We wanted something challenging and we certainly got a challenge!  What do you think??? Make it an annual event?? Let us know.


Just so ya know we ain't spoofing ya!  This ain't the Onion. We rode these 40-50 pound cruiser bikes 108 miles!


180+ BIKEIOWA PHOTOS (flickr)

FryGuy Photos (flickr)

Video by RoadSharkTales

See ya Next Year????


Trail Ride

Distance - Unknown

Celebrate New Belgium Brewery's Birthday by Riding your Cruiser 100 miles on some of Iowa's best kept trails while stopping at some super-fun establishments along the trail!

Yeah - You heard us right... We are riding 100 miles on Cruisers.

If you own a Cruiser bike, have an adventurous spirit, and wish to spend all day Cruising....then WE WANT YOU to join us on Saturday June 29th for a little 'Follow Your Folly' action!

We hear-by declare that "New Belgium Cruisers will rule the trail this day"

Don't own a Cruiser?

No worries... All bikes are welcome to come. This will be a perfect opportunity for those who have never ridden a century (100 miles) by bicycle.

Can it be done?

We think so!   We have not seen where this kind of event has been attempted before, so why not be part of the fun? You can only go so fast on the cruisers, so plan to be out ALL DAY.  We will start early, so we can  finish in time to enjoy our achievements!

There will be plenty of place to get water and food along the way.  Check with your Doctor or Psychiatrist before committing.
We hope you can make it all the way, but there will be plenty of chances to get on or off the route along the way too.

The pace will be steady as we have a lot of miles to cover. We have plenty of stops along the way, but we can't too stay long at any one stop either.

  • Stretch you legs! - The cruiser "setting position" is not optimal for long rides.  Every 3-5 miles make sure you stand up on the pedal or stop to stretch. It will be your saving grace at the end.
  • Drink - Yes, we will have beer samplings, but water, gatorade and other sport drinks will keep your electrolytes up to par.
  • Eat - You'll be out there burning calories for hours. This is not the time for diet food. Make sure you don't bonk.
  • Fix It - Make sure you have the tools, tubes etc. to change a tire or make minor repairs on your bicycle.
  • Not from here? - If you are not familar with the trails, find a buddy who is. We are riding a few trails, and some of the connections are not very intuitive if you are not familar with them.
  • Enjoy It!  - This is not a race. The weather looks awesome and you'll be with like-minded (crazy) cyclists... Enjoy the day!

Plan Ahead

Bring plenty of water, sunscreen, and you'd better have at least one bike tube and a repair kit. Make sure your steed is in good running order. We'll help out where we can, but consider this an unsupported ride as there are no sag wagons. Plan accordingly. 


Please do NOT take up Mullets or El Bait Shop's parking lot space since we will be gone the whole day!  There is space near Principal Park, or better yet ride down!

New Belgium Beer Samplings

We will have different New Belgium beer samplings at each stop, as well as other NB goodness along the way.
  1. Mullets - Trippel (beermosas)
  2. NiteHawk Lounge - Hoppy Bock
  3. Flat Tire Lounge - Shift
  4. High Trestle Trail Group Photo (not a beer stop)
  5. Whistling Donkey - Sunshine Wheat
  6. Wheel House Pizzeria & Pub - Fat Tire Cans
  7. Orlondos - Fat Tire Draws
  8. Cumming Tap - Ranger
  9. el Bait Shop - Rampant

Bike Fixtation Dedication

A new Bike Fixtation to be installed at Flat Tire Lounge in Madrid and we'll have a small dedication as we stop at the Flat Tire Lounge. A Bike Fixtation is a public repair stand and air pump for on the spot repairs.

Post-Ride Knighting Ceremony & Celebration

You'll have earned a place in history on this day! The New Belgium Gods will douse us with smiles. Food and drink will be plentiful.

el Bait Shop will be the spot to park that trusty steed, get some food, drink some beers and tell tales of the day where you rode a cruiser 100 miles.

Once we get settled in at el Bait Shop, each finisher will be recognized during the "Follow Your Folly Knighting Ceremony". and "Frame Photo" opportunities...

We'll also recognize those who rode their first century!


June 28

  • We closed online registraton with 157!  18 New Belgium Cruisers. 21 'Other' cruisers, 77 road bikes, 15 hybrids and the rest riding other bikes!
  • See everyone in the morning!  We ride rain, wind or shine!

June 27

  • RECOMMENDATION:  Bring Lights! - We think it will be close to dark when we finish
  • Added a few "Tips" under the "Can it be Done?" section
  • Online registration will close Friday evening at 6pm CST
  • 117 pre-registered! - 33 cruisers! 54 road bikes, 11 hydrids, and the rest
  • Brandon (Cheeze) Iowa's New Belgium Beer Ranger will be at each beer sampling stop. Say Hey to him!
  • Thanks to Steve Fry for being the official photographer. We'll get a flickr gallery goiong afterwards to post photos, so think about posting your photos there too after the ride.

June 25

  • Posted and awesome movie trailer for the ride! - Thanks Doug Balvanz!
  • 106 pre-registered!
  • Confirmed that Mullets will have 100 breakfast burritos ready for us Sat morning. $6-ish. you can still order off the menu too

June 23

  • 88 fanatics pre-registered so far. 15 on New Belgium cruisers. 15 on "other " cruisers. This is gonna be FUN!
  • Decided to order 40 t-shirts from T-shirt Graphix with the Cruiser Ride 100 logo. 1st come. 1st serve.
  • Caps will be delivered mid-week.

June 19

  • Updated Whistling Donkey's beer sampler. It will be Sunshine Wheat
  • Added information about the Post-Ride Knighting Ceremony & Celebration

June 16

  • Uploaded "Spy photo" of custom caps - yeah we know... it is suppossed to make ya wonder!
  • Preparing to send email to registered participants
  • Working on beer specials at Whistling Donkey
  • Ordered some "Special" items for some "Special" riders...

June 6

  • Added Beer Samplings
  • Confirmed breakfast is from 7-8am at Mullets. We leave at 8am sharp! It's gonna be a long day.
  • Ordered Custom Cycling Caps from Mt. Borah
  • Confirmed "Welcome" banners at all locations
  • Dropped posters off at all locations last weekend
  • Confirmed 50 cyclists are officially signed up. 14 on New Belgium Cruisers. 9 on 'Other' Cruisers... This is gonna be good!  It pays to pre-register. We're just sayin'...

May 13

  • Confirmed we will be getting custom cycling caps done from Mt. Borah. the pint glasses did not work out.
  • 17 riders signed up so far. 9 have New Belgium cruisers.
  • Added several ads for New Belgium Cruisers for sale. Post 'em if you see 'em...

May 7

  • Added New Poster!
  • Added new Ankeny Location for return trip

Apr 22

  • Added New Belgium beer tastings
  • Working on poster

New Belgium - Follow Your Folly - Cruiser 100 - June 29th 2013


  • The Route is 95%+ on trails with the flattest Iowa elevation we could find.

Route Rundown

  • Start off at Mullets in Des Moines (breakfast and setup from 7am to 8am. leaving at 8am sharp!)
  • Ride North along Neal Smith Trail up through Ankeny
  • Short stop at Kum & Go near Kyle's Bikes
  • Ride High Trestle Trail to Slater (Nite Hawk Bar & Grill)
  • Slater to Madrid (Flat Tire Lounge)
  • Madrid to High Trestle Trail Bridge for Group Photo
  • Bridge to Woodward (Whistlin' Donkey) (maybe lunch?)
  • Take High Trestle Trail back (same route)
  • Stop at Flat Tire and/or Nite Hawk on the way back (group vote)
  • Stop at new biker-bar in Ankeny - The Wheelhouse
  • Stop at Kyle's Bikes (if anyone needs parts)
  • Take Neal Smith Trail back to Des Moines
  • Ride Meredith Trail to Orlondo's Pizza
  • Take Great Western Trail to Cumming Tap
  • Home Stretch - back to El Bait Shop!

We are still fine-tuning the map, but you get the idea.
The route and stops are subject to change.



1300 SE 1st St
Des Moines, IA 50315



The ride will most generally be FREE, but we may print up some custom cycling caps in honor of the ride for a nominal fee. We are also working on special prizes for those who ride a New Belgium cruiser the whole way!




Who Posted

  • Posted Apr 3, 2013 by BikeIowa
  • Modified Jul 8, 2013 by BikeIowa
  • Recap Posted Jul 8, 2013



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Made the complete ride arriving at the Cumming Tap at 7:17PM. I was told I was the 2nd cruiser rider :). Soory I had to miss the final party stop but had to get home to let the dogs out. Great ride, weather and wind was manageable and good fellowship. Are we doing this again next year?

#12 - ColnagoGeo posted Jun 29, 2013

how about posting a pic of the caps you ahole!

#11 - solsen300 posted Jun 17, 2013

Oooohh! the custom caps are SWEET !!!

#10 - BikeIowa posted May 30, 2013

2004 New Belgium Fat Tire Amber Ale Electra Red bike bicycle cruiser

#9 - BikeIowa posted May 27, 2013


#8 - BikeIowa posted May 27, 2013

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